Thursday, May 3, 2012

Simple Ways to Speed up your Metabolism

If you are not careful, you can become very sedentary in your life. You wake up in the morning, drive to walk, spend the whole day seated on your desk, eat all the wrong things and spend the evening in front of the TV eating some more.

Even for those who watch what they eat, when you are not active, you can still find yourself gaining weight, losing flexibility, having low energy levels and getting stressed. Those are just some of the few negative effects of not being active.

Anyone one who knows anything about health will tell you that it is important to keep your metabolism high. The secret to weight management is to eat less than your body needs. To take this further, you need to keep your body’s metabolism high so that it burns any excess fat. You also want to reduce your appetite if you want to see dramatic results. Metformin weight loss effects are experienced because this drug helps to reduce the appetite.

Here are a few tips on how you can keep your metabolism on an all-time high.
Eat six small meals as opposed to 3 big ones. Eating small regular meals is a great way to keep your metabolism high throughout the day. This will also keep your blood sugar regular and not going up and down. The trick is to make the meals small. A mean can be a handful of roasted peanuts, a fruit, vegetables and so one.

Gain some muscles and your metabolism will begin to shoot up. Muscle uses fat even when you are at rest unlike fat. Your gym work outs should focus on building lean muscles all over your body. You can do this by strength training and other exercises like yoga and pilates. Walking, running, cycling and even skipping rope will also help you gain more muscles in your body.

Another simple trick to use is to turn off the heater and let your body generate its own heat to keep warm. This is a sure way to kick up your metabolism.  The body is great at self-defense and cold will quickly cause a trigger in the head that will burn fat to generate heat.

If you have a desk job that keeps you seated down for many hours, take a short walk around the office. Keep your body active using activities as simple as tapping your toes, tightening and contracting your stomach muscles and moving around the office. Do not let yourself seat the whole day.
Eat more carbohydrates but the secret is to choose the right carbs. Always go for complex carbs and avoid anything that is processed. Carbs not only boost your metabolism, they also give the body roughage is vitally important.

You do not have to starve yourself or get into a dangerous crash diet to lose weight. All you need is to ensure that you metabolism stays up so that your body burns as much fat as possible. This is easy to do with a few simple tricks.

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