Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Entertainment for your Family

What do you do during your free time or during the day? Every family has activities that they engage in and especially young children. It is important to ensure that a family has wholesome forms of entertainment that foster growth, development and encourage bonding. Nothing is worse than having nothing to do. Usually this leads to mischief.

Normally, you may not think much about entertainment until you have a family, especially when the kids show up. Just taking a shower can prove to be a hard thing if your children have nothing better to do. They will follow you around or do some really bad things around the house when you are not there.

When it comes to children and entertainment, parents have to think through the options available and ensure that their children are entertained in a safe environment. The key thing is balance. Balance between the different forms of entertainment.There are basically two kinds of entertainment, passive and active.

Passive or non-involving entertainment requires nothing from your child other than their presence. They may not even be paying too much attention. When you are watching TV, you move from channel to channel, doze off at some point and so on. Children love cartoons such as Dexter, The Simpsons and Ben 10. If not controlled, the can end up slumped in front of the TV for many hours and this is not the best thing for them.

When it comes to active entertainment, it requires the children to get involved in some way. It may be watching a video with activities or going outside to ride a bike or play football. This form of entertainment is very good because it causes your child to use all his five senses, get up on his feet and get active. It also requires the involvement of parents or a guardian, making is great for the family to spend time together.  This need for parents to get involved is one reason why active entertainment is less common. Parents tend to be too busy to find the time.

There are positives and negatives to the two forms of entertainment. None is necessarily better than the other. The key thing is balance and creativity. You may not have the time to get into an active game with your children but you do not want them to become TV addicts on the other hand.

You may be a busy parent and that can be understand buy your family is also important so you must make time for them. It may take some creativity to work out your schedule but if you want this to happen then you will make it work somehow.  You will need to take advantage of the resources you have. Your children will learn a lot and be very sharp.

Get your family to be physically active has so many benefits. This is the best form of exercise that leads to a good body weight and hormonal balance. Activity that engages the body and the mind is great for overall growth and development.

The best way to deal with entertainment is to get involved in it right from the start. You can invest in good DVD and videos as well as active games and teach your children to enjoy a wide variety of activities.

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